a conversation with ovidian

tall ceramic vases

I had the wonderful opportunity to discuss my practice with Jo Ward of Ovidian. Jo is an incredible writer, championing the work of artists from across the globe, weaving together art and poetry with her words. It’s always insightful to talk to another creative; our conversation was expansive, free flowing and open. Thank you Jo, for your dedication and support to lift other artists and utterly magical ways of distilling concepts onto the page.

Such slowly and attentively crafted objects communicate a deep regard for the art of making itself. They express a reverence for materiality— for the cunning of a human hand and for clay as literal body of earth. Through her hand-building, Tor shapes matter in a way that preserves its wildness. Elemental and mysterious, her vessels bear no small resemblance to the rugged Cornish landscape she calls home. Certainly, they eschew an overly refined or purely functional aesthetic. As Tor enthuses:

“I want a warmth and a sense of humanity in my objects. I literally couldn’t create anything perfect. It’s my fingers and it’s clay: such an incredibly primal and ancient material that really has a life-force of its own.”


barbara hepworth • art & life


new collection. teaser